Spring feeling

Yesterday in town, I decided to look out for flowers that I could display in my room. I've bought carnations quite often over the time I've been here in Scotland and I really like them. But yesterday I spotted tulips for the first time in ages and they reminded me of how much I miss having beautiful tulips around me. Tulips are definitely my favourite flowers and I got the bouquet for £2 only! I should have bought two instead of one only, but I somehow didn't think about that yesterday. There were yellow, orange and pink ones, but the white ones were just so beautiful that I had to pick them! They don't really give a pop of colour to the room, which I usually like, but they are so delicate and make the room cosy and calm. Since I now know where to get tulips from, I will definitely get them more often and feel a bit more "springy". The winter is really annoying me already and I want it to get warm outside finally. Let's hope that my beautiful white tu...