September Favourites | Beauty

Hello everyone! I can't believe September is nearly over! I only did the August Favourites some time ago and it turns out it wasn't actually that recently. (watch it here !) Today I'm back again with some new products that I think are mostly pretty autumn-related, so let's start! After emptying my previous shower gel, I took the Le Petit Marseillais shower gel out of the cupboard again and basically started using it again after having a break of it. It smells so refreshing and it just makes me feel like I'm somwhere were peach and nectarine juice is produced or something. It also reminds me so much of summer and when I got it and so on. I really need to get some more of it once I'm in Poland again, because those are just brilliant! ( They also come in a bigger size) Next I got myself a new perfume because my Escada one ( which is my absolute favourite ) is empty, and it makes me sad. I saw this in a drugstore and it was actually in the clearance a...