My March Beauty Favourites

Tomorrow is already April and it is just crazy! I don't even know how this month went by that quickly?! We had the start of the new semester at uni and there was also a few days of Easter, plus I was working quite a lot this month. I think this is why I didn't even realise that the month is over already. If you're very busy you just seem not to feel that at all. But, as always at the end of each month I'm here to let you know about my most used beauty products of March. There's not many because I use all my regular products on a daily basis and they all are my faves but those ones are either new or I just rediscovered them again. Let's start with the new products: I've been using different Garnier hair conditioners for some years now and at first I was disappointed but with time they surprised me a lot. My latest addition is from the Honey Treasures range and I mainly bought it because of its nice smell. I didn't expect too much honestly, but ...