Cooking And Freezing Watermelons

Today I went to college again and after that I brought Eryk to work and did some little grocery shopping because I wanted to make a salad and bake some muffins again. What is really really really strange about Britain, is that they sell Christma stuff in August already! Is this normal?! It is still summer, so why think about Christmas already??
 So when I came home I just quickly brought the laundry back inside and started cooking. I needed some dinner for myself so I went for spaghetti with broccoli sauce. This was really easy to prepare so once the noodles were in the pot and the sauce was cooking I started preparing everything for the muffins. Now my dinner is ready so I decided to quickly write a post before mixing together all the ingredients for the muffins. I will probably update you once they are done.

Well, so college was ok today and I made a new friend, which made me happy obviously. I found todays' lesson a bit boring because we didn't really learn anything new, we just compared our homework for about two hours!
And like I already said, now I am stuck in the kitchen for the next two hours. Woop Woop!
I think I'm back to work on Saturday so I want to spend some nice time at home before that.

So this is how the kitchen looks like after cooking spaghetti and before baking muffins.

And here is what I used to create my delicious dinner...

And here is my dinner! It is so delicious! 

Alright, and now I'll just show you other random pictures from today :)

Maya is obsessed with shoes, she just crawls into every single one and it makes her happy. So cute!

And look at this! This is how she's sleeping with her little friend!

Nails of the Day: Barry M- 66 Matte White 

Today something bit was going on in college but I don't know why. There was music and many stalls and even AVON and IRN BRU and omg. No idea. I was scared.

Snacking in college because I can't survive without snacks.

Bought a new apple pie that'll be gone by tomorrow, like I know Eryk and myself. But they are SO tasty and cost only 1 Pound!!!

Oh, and the last one for today. Have you ever tried freezing a watermelon? Well, Eryk thought it'd be a good idea if he froze my watermelon. This is how it looked like after about five hours. Not sure if I can still eat it.

Have a nice evening! :)

EDIT: The muffins are ready and tasty!




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