Pink Skies And Pretty Clouds
Last night was not the best for us, we are totally ill. Looks like we have a flu. We were constantly waking up and in the early morning hours we saw that the sky was totally pink! It looked so incredible that I tried to take a picture of it. It doesn't look too good there, but it can give you an impression of what it was like.
I had to get up at some point later because I was meant to go to College and I needed to wash my hair before. I wasn't sure if I was even able to do that and I didn't feel like going to College and sitting there for 2,5 hours. But we had to enrol in Spanish today so I decided to go. I couldn't really eat anything as my throat was so sore and I just went for my Ready Brek porridge with strawberry milk and strawberries. It was nice and it didn't hurt my throat too much.
I had to get up at some point later because I was meant to go to College and I needed to wash my hair before. I wasn't sure if I was even able to do that and I didn't feel like going to College and sitting there for 2,5 hours. But we had to enrol in Spanish today so I decided to go. I couldn't really eat anything as my throat was so sore and I just went for my Ready Brek porridge with strawberry milk and strawberries. It was nice and it didn't hurt my throat too much.
When I got ready I made my way to College, where I had a bit of the lesson and then I managed to finally enrol. I now have my student ID and am officially a student.
Look at my pretty flowers!
And at my nice and tasty porridge!
Well, so this is how my make-up looked today and I thought that I'd look very pretty on my ID picture but in fact I look like wearing tons of fake tan and basically everyone does as the light was strange there.
Everything is the same, I just added some eye liner on my upper lid and that was it.
I was also wearing lip gloss but it was gone by the time I got my photo taken.
And I also took some pictures of the area, I think some of the houses just look so amazing and I'd love to live in one of them.
And after the pink skies at night, the clouds today looked just amazing as well!
And the last photo for today- me and my little baby Maya :)
We need to go and do some small grocery shopping soon because we have nothing to eat literally. I should maybe make a list of what we really need. Well, I feel very weak and ill and I'd prefer to stay at home but I also want to eat something, right?
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