Oranges, Cloves & Gingerbread | Christmas

Today I was at work again and couldn't wait to come home. Yesterday we made the dough for the gingerbread men and today I could finally bake them. I am not too sure whether they turned out the way they should, but they taste nice.

But, today's topic is a little DIY project, to decorate your home for Christmas. Or even before Christmas, just like me and my mum do it always.

For this DIY you need oranges and cloves. And that's literally it.

You can use one orange, or more if you like, it's all up to you!
So, take whole cloves and just tuck them into the orange, just the way you want. You can get a specific pattern done, to make it look pretty, or tuck the cloves in messily and do it just for the smell.
I prefer to create a simple pattern and keep the orange in a visible place. I just decorated two and put them up somewhere in our room, most likely in between all the candles that we let burn in the evenings. The smell of oranges and cloves is so christmassy- it just makes me so happy!

I think this picture shows that I feel very festive already and in just a week I will be already in Poland with my loved ones! 

Let me know if you decorate oranges too!




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