Nivea Rose Touch Cream

 Hello and welcome back to my blog! I was absent for a really, really long time. This was mostly due to the lack of time and also because of many other things going on that made me switch to Instagram. (Definitely follow me there to make sure you are up to date with my life!)

Recently though, as being part of the NIVEA CLUB ÖSTERREICH I got the opportunity to test and review the new Rose Touch face cream by Nivea and therefore I thought, it would be much nicer to write a proper review here on this blog rather than just a quick review on my Instagram. 

As I only just received the new Rose Touch cream by Nivea, I would like to test it thoroughly before writing more about it straight away. So, I hope that you will be back in a week or so to check out what I think about the new moisturising gel cream with organic rose water and hyaluron.

It definitely sounds promising and especially now with the colder months approaching, I'd love to have a nice but lightweight face cream, that would protect my skin and at the same time make it look prettier. It is also a very affordable face cream and can be bought in any local drugstore- which, compared to my current skincare products is not the case.

Stay tuned for more! 😊

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