Rice Cake With Plums | Recipe

Today we had some self made pizza, which was just amazing and once the pizza came out of the oven I started doing the rice cake. I just randomly found a recipe today somewhere on my way home and I really wanted to try it out. So I bought the last ingredients I needed and started preparing the cake.
It is not ready yet, because it needs to stay in the oven for 40 minutes, so I will add a picture of it once it is ready.


- 700 ml of milk
-150 g of rice (I used pudding rice)
-100 g of sugar
- 3 eggs
-fruits (I used 3 plums)
- cream if you'd like to

1) Alright, so first you need to cook the milk and add the rice. You need to stir it basically all the time for 35 minutes, or until the rice gets sticky.

2) Then you need to let the rice cool down completely. This can take up to an hour so I just put it into the fridge and went to stir it every 15 minutes or so. 

3) Then, add the sugar and mix a bit with a wooden spoon. Also add the three egg yolks and stir until the ingredients become a smooth mix. 

4) Use a mixer for the white of the egg to get a nice white and stiff foam. Then add it to the rest of the mix and gently stir through with the wooden spoon.

5) Put the mix into a greased baking tray.

6) I added three plums that I just cut into smaller pieces and put them on top of the cake.

7) Put into the oven for 40-45 minutes, bake at 180 degrees.

Hopefully it will be good because I will be disappointed if it won't. :(

Edit: It is good! But I preheated the oven and the cake was ready after 30 minutes. :)




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